Beginning Verbs

As a follow up to the functional phrases, you could start stimulating for some action verbs. Children with language disorders are often slow to use verbs so start thinking of some fun ways to get the actions going! Some early verb cards can be downloaded here.


Beginning Verbs- English Cards

Beginning Verbs- 双语Bilingual Cards

Beginning verbs 双语

Some Beginning Phrases- Bilingual Cards

Here are some beginning functional phrases that are useful to model to a child who is starting to communicate verbally. The bilingual version is also available for downloads.

我把九个常用词汇 做成了卡片希望可以帮助你的小孩和您开始沟通。家长你们在日常生活中多留意教导小孩的机会。

Beginning phrases- English cards

Beginning phrases- English Chinese双语 Bilingual cards